Message: “Faithful to the End (Rom 16: 17-20)” from Ben Tellinghuisen

Sunday Production

A message from the series “Romans: The One Gospel and God\’s Righteousness.” Remaining faithful to Christ can feel daunting. As we approach the close of this great epistle to the Romans, Paul gives us some fatherly advice on how we can remain faithful to the end – Ben Tellinghuisen.

Message: “Living Out Our Faith with Our Words (Jas 3:1-13)” from Matt Hilbert

Sunday Production

A message from the series “James: Living Out Our Faith in Everyday Life.” Pastor Matthew Hilbert – In James 3:1-13, James exhorts us to live out our faith with our words. While our words can bring great honor to God, they also can be used to commit all sorts of sin. In light of this, James reminds us that we must be careful to watch our mouths because our words will be judged, our words direct our lives, our words can destroy, our tongue isn’t tame, our words must be consistent, and our words come from our heart.

Message: “Send Your Love (Rom 16:1-16)” from Ben Tellinghuisen

Sunday Production

A message from the series “Romans: The One Gospel and God\’s Righteousness.” Pastor Ben Tellinghuisen – In this sermon Paul sends his love to the church in Rome in these verses. As we study the longest list of names and greetings in the NT, we’ll discover 5 lessons on how to love your church family well.

Message: “Anatomy of Thriving Missions (Rom 15: 22-33)” from Ben Tellinghuisen

Sunday Production

A message from the series “Romans: The One Gospel and God\’s Righteousness.” Pastor Ben Tellinghuisen – In this sermon we’ll learn how to be the type of Christian who supports thriving missions work. Paul shows us: what we do, how we pray, and how we think about missions for the glory of God.

Message: “When God’s People Disagree – Don’t Worship Your Freedoms (Rom 14:13-23)” from Ben Tellinghuisen

Sunday Production

A message from the series “Romans: The One Gospel and God\’s Righteousness.” Pastor Ben Tellinghuisen – When God’s people disagree, it’s often over non-gospel issues; issues that rarely have to do with biblical doctrine. Instead conflict often arises from a slavish passion for our own freedoms. This morning we’re going to learn 6 habits to keep you from worshiping freedom – instead of the God who set you free.

Message: “When God’s People Disagree – Don’t Pretend You’re God (Rom 14:1-12)” from Ben Tellinghuisen

Sunday Production

A message from the series “Romans: The One Gospel and God\’s Righteousness.” Pastor Ben Tellinghuisen – Learning to disagree well, is tough. It’s much easier to surround ourselves with those just like us – but that’s not how God designed the church. He designed it to be diverse, and still unified. Today we’ll learn seven lessons on how Christians can disagree well and keep our eyes fixed on our Savior in spite our differences.

Message: “Act Like You’ve Been There Before (Rom 13:11-14)” from Ben Tellinghuisen

Sunday Production

A message from the series “Romans: The One Gospel and God\’s Righteousness.” Pastor Ben Tellinghuisen – One of God’s keys to learning how to thrive in life, is to remember that He’s going to finish the work He started with you. Listen as the Apostle Paul fleshes out what it means to live for God’s glory.