Pastor Ben Tellinghuisen – Our church covenant isn’t a dry and dusty document forgotten in the tides of time. It should be a vital document that we can use to help remind us of the agenda for the Christian life.
Message: “The Persevering Christian Life – From Alienation to Presentation (Col 1:21-23)” from Taylor Fernandez
Sunday Production
Taylor Fernandez – Having been formerly alienated from God, the Christian has been reconciled to God through Christ in order to be presented before Him in holiness, which is obtained through perseverance.
Message: “God’s Plan for All Christians: Church Membership (Selected Scripture)” from Ben Tellinghuisen
Sunday Production
A message from the series “God\’s Plan for All Christians: Church Membership.” Pastor Ben Tellinghuisen – God paints a series of vivid pictures of the church in the New Testament. As we look at these metaphors, we will be deeply encouraged by the blessings that He provides His own when they belong to a church family.
Message: “A Thrill of Hope for the Weary and the Strong (Heb 11:32-12:2)” from Ben Tellinghuisen
Sunday Production
Pastor Ben Tellinghuisen – The thrill of hope for both the weary and the strong is that we are not our own but belong to God. But the only way that happens, is by trusting in God the Son incarnate, Jesus.
Message: “Living Out Our Faith with Our Finances (Jas 5:1-6)” from Matt Hilbert
Sunday Production
A message from the series “James: Living Out Our Faith in Everyday Life.” Pastor Matt Hilbert – We care a lot about our finances, and it turns out that the Bible does too! But does how we use our finances reflect our faith in Christ? That’s the question our sermon today wrestles with. In James 5:1-6, James issues a harsh warning against the rich who are using their wealth in wicked ways. In our text James helps us to understand how faithful Christians should think about and handle their finances. We are to live out our faith with our finances by storing up treasure in heaven, using our finances to love others, and exercising stewardship, not self-indulgence.
Message: “Trust the Process (Daniel 6:16-28)” from Ben Tellinghuisen
Sunday Production
A message from the series “Daniel: God Will Always be the Sovereign Judge.” Pastor Ben Tellinghuisen – God’s providential process is always working to guide all of creation to His good and perfect end. The end of Daniel 6, is full of incentives for us to trust God’s providential hand still today.
Message: “Your Testimony Matters in All of Life (Dan 6:1-15)” from Ben Tellinghuisen
Eli Cromwell
A message from the series “Daniel: God Will Always be the Sovereign Judge.” Pastor Ben Tellinghuisen – God calls every Christian to be faithful in all of life – to walk with Him even in trials. As we study Daniel 6:1-15, we’ll learn five lessons on how to foster a powerful testimony for God’s glory and our good.
Message: “4 Habits of an Enduring Faith (Heb 10:19-25)” from Tim McKnight
Eli Cromwell
Guest Preacher – Tim McKnight
Message: “Why You Should Change Your Mind about God (Dan 5:17-31)” from Ben Tellinghuisen
Eli Cromwell
A message from the series “Daniel: God Will Always be the Sovereign Judge.” Pastor Ben Tellinghuisen – Today, very few people fear God – even in churches. But the Scriptures repeatedly show us that the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom and eternal life. Listen as we see this truth as Daniel confronts Belshazzar in Daniel 5:17-31.
Message: “The Writing is on the Wall (Dan 5:1-16)” from Ben Tellinghuisen
A message from the series “Daniel: God Will Always be the Sovereign Judge.” Pastor Ben Tellinghuisen – As we study Daniel 5:1-16, we see the writing on the wall for Belshazzar. As fears set in for us too, we need to learn to keep an eye on eternity trusting Jesus to be our ever-present help in need.